Doja Cat “Goes To Town” in her latest video

I was first introduced to Doja Cat after watching her viral music video Moooo! I had thought I’d seen everything when it came to hip-hop, but boy was I wrong. Here’s this hot, busty babe dressed as a cow, rapping with french fries hanging out of her nose. Apparently there is LOTS more to see.

The thing about this video, as low budget and corny as it was, there was a certain brilliance to it. First off, It’s hilarious. Thank God I wasn’t drinking a milkshake at the time. If so, the whole thing would have spewed out of my nose from laughing so hard.

I didn’t take to it at first. I wasn’t immediately hooked. It took about 4 or 5 times of Mooo! popping up in my feed for me to finally breakdown and see what it was all about. What reeled me in was the musicality of it. The melody and the voice, Doja Cat knew what she was doing. She was trolling the rap game and propelling her music career forward with a funny viral “meme track.” I’m so about it.

Go To Town

But I’m not really here to talk about Mooo!, I’m here to talk about her latest video “Go to Town.” Now, as I write this, Doja Cat has taken some harsh criticism over some statements that she made in her past. Read about that here and make your own decisions. Personally I don’t let internet hype and mob mentality affect how I feel about art, and neither should you.

This video in my opinion, is innovative, fresh, and a breathe of fresh air for hip-hop. It doesn’t take itself seriously like so many artists tend to do. Nikki Minaj for example, has so much less appeal to me when she makes these kind of records. Doja Cat is light-hearted and funny, while still being catchy and lyrical in her own way.

I say lyrical, because after watching her breakdown the record on Genius, it’s clear how her songwriting skills hold her own with some of the greats. I want to hear all your feedback on this video and what you all think of this break-out new artist!